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"If you're reading this because you're wondering if Shaileshni is the right sleep consultant for you, give her a call and I promise you that you'll never look back. 

I wish I'd called Shaileshni sooner! She turned our little boys' sleep around and we are all so much happier for it. I came to Shaileshni when my son was 7.5 months old and we were at rock bottom. His sleep was progressively becoming worse and my partner and I were finding it hard to function in day-to-day life. Shaileshni listened to what was important to us and where Kai was developmentally and crafted a program for him. Within a day of working together, we were able to see a HUGE difference. He began to happily put himself to sleep, he was staying asleep for progressively longer periods of time, and all of a sudden he was interested in and happily eating solid food! Now, my son definitely threw in a few curve balls (teething, standing in his cot, the list goes on...) but Shaileshni met every new challenge with love and a deep understanding of Kai's needs and so was able to tweak and adjust Kai's program. Throughout our time working together I felt so supported. You can really feel the love Shaileshni puts into helping families. 

Thank you Shaileshni for helping my son sleep like he's never slept before and for enabling us to feel alive again! We will be forever grateful."

Kirra & Kai - 7.5 months

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